Let me build
your website

With passion for what I do,
I help my clients to succeed.

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My skills

Ansible logo Python logo Cpp logo php logo GIT logo HTML5 logo CSS3 logo Javascript logo Linux logo

Over the years, I have gathered many useful skills that I can apply in my daily tasks as a software developer. Coming from a background where C, C++ and Python were the main programming languages, I have gathered lots of expertise that revolve around building high quality software. Right now, I'm focussed on web development - taking with me the experience I have gathered over the years. From Scrum master to monitoring engineer; these are just examples of my previous roles. Do you want a custom website? Just get in touch so we can discuss the details 😁

Hey there,
my name is Orville

There's more to a person than meets the eye...

...and since we don't know each other, it'd be great to catch up...

...to see if we can provide value for each other.

I'd love to hear from you, just contact me!

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm currently working on a few projects. None are ready for display yet. Stay tuned! 😊

I offer a wide variety of services that revolve around web development. The easiest way to determine whether or not I can provide help, is to just contact me.

For now I work project-based; the costs of a single project coud range between €1000 and €4000.

I make sure to produce semantic HTML, and follow general accessibility guidelines provided by MDN and W3, which help with SEO. I also make sure to communicate other factors that contribute to improving SEO.

I can proudly say that I hand-coded this website without the use of any framework at all; just plain old HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP. The website is hosted on a Hostinger shared hosting server, which runs Red Hat Linux.


This form helps me to understand the requirements of your project. Please include some relevant details and send the form. Alternatively, send me an email at orville@orvvro.com